A report (by an official advisory body) examined how rural places across England were faring when judged against official markers of deprivation. On average, rural areas suffered less deprivation than urban areas: but sparsely populated areas of all types showed higher levels of deprivation than their less sparsely populated counterparts.
Source: Rural Analysis of the Index of Multiple Deprivation 2007, Commission for Rural Communities/Countryside Agency (020 7340 2900)
Links: Report | CRC press release | CAP press release
Date: 2008-Dec
A new book examined the development and implementation of New Labour's rural policies since 1997.
Source: Michael Woods (ed.), New Labour's Countryside: Rural policy in Britain since 1997, Policy Press, available from Marston Book Services (01235 465500)
Links: Summary
Date: 2008-Sep
An article examined differences in mortality between rural and urban areas in England and Wales in the years 2002-2004. Rural populations were not found to be inherently 'healthier'. All-cause mortality of males in rural areas of England was 15 per cent lower than in urban areas: but after adjustment for deprivation this difference was reduced to only 3 per cent.
Source: Andrea Gartner, Daniel Farewell, Frank Dunstan and Emma Gordon, 'Differences in mortality between rural and urban areas in England and Wales, 2002-04', Health Statistics Quarterly 39, Autumn 2008, Office for National Statistics, TSO (0870 600 5522)
Links: Article | ONS press release
Date: 2008-Aug
A report (by an official advisory body) said that although there were many advantages to living and working in rural England, there remained some significant challenges. The quality of life might often be better in rural areas, but this was not the case everywhere and for everyone. There had been a rise in households living in poverty in rural England, and a growing inequality between remote rural areas and other parts of the countryside.
Source: State of the Countryside 2008, Commission for Rural Communities/Countryside Agency (020 7340 2900)
Links: Report | Summary | Annex | CRC press release | RSN press release | CAP press release | Age Concern press release
Date: 2008-Jul
A report by a committee of the National Assembly for Wales made a series of recommendations for tackling poverty and deprivation in rural Wales.
Source: Poverty and Deprivation in Rural Wales, Rural Development Sub-committee/National Assembly for Wales (029 2082 5111)
Links: Report | NAW press release | BBC report
Date: 2008-Jul
A report (by an official advisory body) said that the proportion of rural households in England living in relative poverty had risen from 16 per cent to 19 per cent between 2004 and 2007. Around 20 per cent of children and pensioners in rural areas were living in poverty in 2007, as well as 1 in 6 working-age adults.
Source: Rural Financial Poverty: Priorities for action, Commission for Rural Communities/Countryside Agency (020 7340 2900)
Links: Report | Companion paper | CRC press release
Date: 2008-Jul
A report examined techniques for estimating the overall rural share of deprivation at an output area, regional, and national level; and to identify very small area 'hotspots' – thus making it possible to highlight the existence of rural deprivation even in areas which were relatively prosperous.
Source: Deprivation in Rural Areas: Quantitative analysis and socio-economic classification, Commission for Rural Communities/Countryside Agency (020 7340 2900)
Date: 2008-Jun
The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs published its annual report for 2007-08.
Source: Departmental Report 2008, Cm 7399, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, TSO (0870 600 5522)
Links: Report | DEFRA press release
Date: 2008-May
A report (for an official advisory body) summarized the findings of research on the barriers that prevented the rural proofing of policy and delivery; how these barriers could be addressed; and how individuals in government departments and other organizations could be supported to undertake rural proofing more effectively.
Source: GHK, Rural Proofing Review, Commission for Rural Communities/Countryside Agency (020 7340 2900)
Links: Report | Literature review
Date: 2008-May
A report said that there was little basis for the claim that PPS14 (the planning policy restricting new housing in Northern Ireland's countryside) would undermine the social and economic structure of rural areas.
Source: Manoj Roy and Geraint Ellis, Rural Settlement Patterns and Access to Development Land: Developing the evidence base, Friends of the Earth Northern Ireland (020 7490 1555)
Links: Report
Date: 2008-Apr
A report used data from the 'Growing up in Scotland' study to explore what was distinctive about growing up in rural, remote, and small-town Scotland in comparison with urban Scotland. Children in rural areas were somewhat more likely to be born into relatively more advantaged situations.
Source: Lynn Jamieson with Paul Bradshaw and Rachel Ormston, Growing up in Rural Scotland, Scottish Government (web publication only)
Links: Report
Date: 2008-Mar
A report (by an official advisor) said that almost 1 million households in rural England lived in poverty. The priorities for rural communities should be the provision of more affordable housing, strengthening the economy, and supporting voluntary and community work.
Source: Stuart Burgess, Report of the Rural Advocate 2007, Commission for Rural Communities/Countryside Agency (020 7340 2900)
Links: Report | CRC press release | Telegraph report | BBC report
Date: 2008-Mar
An independent report said that Scotland's approach to rural policy was 'innovative and rapidly evolving': but that it was still suffering from a sector-by-sector focus.
Source: OECD Rural Policy Reviews: Scotland, UK – Assessment and recommendations, Scottish Government (web publication only)
Links: Report | SG press release
Date: 2008-Feb